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The general objectives of the Cefa Employees Fund will be to promote solidarity, camaraderie, savings, as well as to provide credit and the provision of social services that seek to improve the quality of life and the economic, social, cultural and moral conditions of all its Associates.



The Cefa Employees Fund is a private, non-profit associative company, made up of employees legally appointed to serve the Antioquia Training Center "CEFA" or its equivalent and those who retire while serving the same educational entity.

The earnings of the Cefa Employees Fund for the financial year, derived from its activities or services, once general expenses, the value of the interests and other financial costs, depreciations and provisions covering the asset accounts have been deducted, will be applied in accordance with the Statute, with the purpose of providing the necessary conditions to guarantee the achievement of its objectives.

The principal address of the Cefa Employees Fund will be the Municipality of Medellín, Department of Antioquia, and its scope of operations will be the entire territory of the Republic of Colombia. Its duration will be indefinite, but it may be dissolved and liquidated at any time, in the cases and in the manner and terms provided for by the Law and the Statute.
Activities will be carried out in accordance with morality, the Political Constitution and the laws, seeking to consolidate an authentic culture of life, serving the ideals of solidarity in coherence with the dignity of the person, avoiding practices that imply social, economic, religious or political discrimination.

Without prejudice to the inspection and surveillance that the State exercises over the Cefa Employees Fund, it will have a Social Control Committee and a Fiscal Auditor for its internal social control, as well as for fiscal and accounting review.

Over the years of operation, the Cefa Employees Fund has created a service structure focused on its members and their families, with the fundamental purpose of improving their quality of life; thus, with a very broad and specialized vision, agreements, strategic alliances and contracts have been signed with some health, recreational, educational and financial entities.

The possibility of improving what we have built must start with the commitment and participation of all associates, because only committed people with a desire to serve others are the ones who make our Employee Fund great.

Several open books

Fondo de Empleados CEFA
Calle 50 Nº 41-55 - Telefax: 2165046

Celular: 311 7648041


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